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Scholarships and Tuition Fees


The tuition fees are 250,000 baht per year (or 500,000 baht for the two-year enrollment). ChEPS offers scholarships to qualified students who are enrolled in our program. Three kinds of scholarships are available, namely Full, Half, and Soft-Loan as follows:


1. Full Scholarships - The full tuition fee is waived.


2. Half Scholarship - Half the tuition fee is waived, while the remaining 125,000 baht per year must be paid by the students upon enrollment. In other words, for the two years in the program, the student will have paid 250,000 baht upon graduation.


3. Soft-Loan - Students must pay half the tuition fee of 250,000 year (two-year) and are required to pay back the remaining 250,000 baht (two-year) upon graduation in monthly installments amounting to 10% of their salaries with free interest.

Please note that monthly stipends are not available except for needy students under very special circumstances or those being sponsored by the industry.


Industrial Scholarships


Each year, Thai Oil Public Co., Ltd. (ThaiOil), two major industrial partners of ChEPS, provide funding in the form of industrial scholarships.  The following are additional information about this type of scholarship.


1. ThaiOil offer up to 3 industrial scholarships to ChEPS students.  Only incoming full-scholarship ChEPS students are eligible to apply for industrial scholarhips.


2. Interested ChEPS students under full scholarships are interviewed and selected by the company a few months after being enrolled in the program.  ChEPS has no say or influence in this decision-making.


3. Students under industrial scholarships will receive a monthly stipend of 8,000 baht for 24 months while studying in ChEPS.


4. Students under industrial scholarships are subject to the following additional conditions set by the companies:


    (a) Students must maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.5 upon graduation.


    (b) Students sponsored by ThaiOil must be interned at the company's plant in Sri-racha but are free to work on any thesis

         project made available by ChEPS.


    (c) All students agree to first interview with their sponsoring companies upon graduation. If the students are selected, they must

         work for the company for a minimum of two years.  If the students did not pass the interview, they are free to go work for

         other companies.


Note: Starting in 2020, PTTGC no longer offers industrial scholarships to ChEPS students, although the company continues to be a practice station for the ChEPS Program.


The following is a chart to help explain the concepts of scholarships offered by the ChEPS program:





























ChEPS Scholarships Chart.jpg



126 Pracha-utid Road, Bangmod, Thoongkru, Bangkok 10140, Tel: 02-470-9611, 02-470-9616, Fax: 02-872-9118

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